Now Accepting proposals for the 2016 fall conference
The Middle Tennessee Writing Project invites proposals for the 2016 Fall Conference. This year’s theme is “Teachers as Writers, Teachers of Writers, Teachers as Leaders,” which speaks to the core tenets of the Writing Project – teachers learning, implementing and sharing best practices.
We are interested in 60 minute presentations (that includes time for questions and for practice) that would help teachers improve their literacy instruction, particularly their writing instruction. We would like to serve the entire K-16 range of teachers, so we welcome presentations that target particular grade bands (elementary, middle, high) as well specialized areas including special education, ELL, technology, content area. We are also interested in presentations that help literacy teachers be professional leaders. Please remember that in true writing project fashion, we would like the presentations to allow the conference attendees to have an experience with the topic you are presenting.
Possible topics include sharing about a teaching strategy, an aspect of your writing pedagogy, a leadership strategy or a technology integration with which you have had success. Proposals can be submitted for individual or group presentations.
For your submissions, complete the online application by June 6, 2016. Acceptance notifications will be sent via email shortly after.
This year Sarah Morris ( and Jennifer Stephens ( are organizing the conference. If you have questions or ideas and want some feedback, they are excellent resources.
You’ve been through the ISI. You’ve both learned from and inspired the other Fellows. You’ve taken all that the ISI gave you back to your classroom. You’ve become a better writer and a better teacher.
But that’s only the beginning. The work of the Middle Tennessee Writing Project extends far beyond the Summer Institute. Not only do we want you to continue in your own professional growth, but we also hope you’ll use your role as Teacher Consultant to become a leader in writing instruction.
Here are other ways a TC can get involved:
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